Logo Muuuh Nature and Wildlife Documentaries


nature documentaries

Parc des Étangs Antoine-Charlebois - Parc des Étangs Antoine-Charlebois - 2024-09-28
Parc des Étangs Antoine-Charlebois - 2024-09-28

Links & Resources

A collection of links and resources assisting Muuuh Wildlife Photography in achieving its mission.

iOS Apps Used in the Field

Nature and Wildlife Identification Resources

Parks and Organizations

Science and Art

YouTube Channels of Interest

Over the years, I've enjoyed content from various YouTube channels. Some of these channels helped me choose the right gear, inspired me with new ideas for my wildlife photography, or provided insights into the work of other wildlife enthusiasts.

Some channels may utilize wildlife photography techniques that I do not endorse. See Ethics, Tips & Myths in Wildlife Photography. If a channel appears on this list regardless, it could be because I haven't watched that particular video, or I deemed the use of these techniques to be infrequent.

Thus, without particular order:

At last but not at least:

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