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Parc de la Frayère - Parc de la Frayère - 2022-07-30
Parc de la Frayère - 2022-07-30

Nature, Habitats and Parks

Montreal offers a unique setting within a diverse natural environment, supporting not only common animals and plants adapted to human activities but also species from nearby untouched areas less accustomed to urban life.


Freshwater Habitats

  • Pond: Small, naturally formed or human-made ponds, as well as temporary ponds that emerge in spring from melting snow in forests and prairies.
  • Wetland: Flooded areas near rivers, lakes, and ponds, either temporarily or year-round, supporting diverse plant and animal life adapted to saturated soils.
  • Lake: Large, permanent bodies of freshwater, often surrounded by forests or wetlands, providing vital habitats for aquatic and semi-aquatic species.
  • River: Watercourses ranging from smaller rivers to the large Saint Lawrence River, which flows into the Saint Lawrence Estuary.

Terrestrial Habitats

  • Grasslands: A mix of cultivated and natural grasslands, offering habitats for a diverse range of species, including ground-nesting birds and pollinators.
  • Shrubland: Areas dominated by shrubs, often intermixed with patches of grassland and occasional trees, common in drier or transitional habitats.
  • Woodland: Open-canopy areas where trees are spaced far enough apart to allow significant sunlight to reach the ground, fostering a rich understory of shrubs and grasses.
  • Forest: Dense stands of deciduous trees, often interspersed with pine, transitioning to coniferous forests at higher altitudes or farther north.

Marine & Coastal Habitats

  • Coast: Regions along the Saint Lawrence Estuary, the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, and the Atlantic Ocean, featuring rocky shores, salt marshes, and sandy beaches.
  • Cliff: Steep, rocky outcrops typically found near coastal areas, providing nesting sites for various bird species and habitats for specialized plant communities.
  • Ocean: The vast marine environment of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and the Atlantic Ocean, supporting rich biodiversity, including fish, marine mammals, and seabirds.

Managed Habitats

  • Agricultural Lands: Habitats created by farming, including crop fields and plantations, supporting species adapted to these managed environments.
  • Urban: Habitats in cities, towns, and villages, where species adapted to human-made environments thrive, including in parks, gardens, and on building structures.