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Belvédère Outremont - Belvédère Outremont - 2022-05-14
Belvédère Outremont - 2022-05-14

Belvédère Outremont

A viewpoint on the north-west side of Mont-Royal, adjacent to Montreal's cemetery with view on University and Northern Montreal up to Olympic Stadium.

Last changed on 2024-12-18

How to Get Here

You can get there by a short walk from metro station Edouard-Montpetit. Walk goes upwards rather steep through a deciduous forest. Look out for mushrooms and forest flowers. Once arrived on top, your efforts will be honoured by a beautiful view on a large part of Montreal and surroundings.

What to See Here

The main attraction of this place is to watch Turkey Vultures soaring in the sky on search of food and the possibility to see and photograph butterflies on the West slope of the park. The forest on the East side gives opportunities to see forest flowers and different mushrooms.

Butterfly species and flowers change over the months. Early spring there are Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) and Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma). In summer and autumn look out for European Common Blue (Polyommattus icarus), Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) and Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) among other butterfly species.

Photography Tips

Mainly a place for macro photography: Mushrooms, flowers and butterflies. Be aware though that in the forest there is low light and you may need flash for good results. Almost certainly, you will see Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) soaring above you during spring, summer and autumn. Carry with you a 400mm lens if you are interested in taking photos of this interesting bird. There are many other bird species around but we haven't found consistent good conditions for photography.