Hawks vs Doves
This simulation is a cellular automaton designed to explore hawks vs doves strategy spreads within a population over time. In this simulation, each cell on a grid can be alive or dead and may possess a trait that influences its survival and reproduction. The two competing traits are either "Dove" or "Hawk".
Cell Attributes and Life Cycle
Cell Properties
- State (alive or dead)
- Trait (Hawk or Dove)
Life Cycle
Living cells appear as red (Hawks) or green (Doves), while dead cells are white. Each cell interacts with its 8 neighbouring cells: top, bottom, left, right, and the 4 diagonals.
- Underpopulation: A live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies.
- Overpopulation: A live cell with more than three live neighbours dies.
- Survival: A live cell with exactly three live neighbours survives to the next generation if its final score from interactions with neighbours is greater than 0.
- Reproduction: A dead cell with three or more live neighbours becomes alive. The probability of becoming a Hawk or Dove matches the current ratio in the population.
The reward for each type of Interaction can be adjusted using the simulation parameter controls. Default settings are:
- Hawk vs
- Dove: +50
- Hawk: -25
- Dove vs
- Hawk: 0
- Dove: +15