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White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) - Parc Nature Pointe aux Prairies - 2022-04-15
White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) - 2022-04-15

Photos - Editing Workflow

How to import, edit and publish photos using Photo Mechanic and Affinity Photo 2, starting with a raw file.

Last changed on 2024-12-23

Photo Mechanic

When importing files from the memory card using Photo Mechanic, all imported files are copied into a folder with the date the photo shoot. The files are renamed. e.g. yyyymmdd/khm-yyyymmdd-hhss-10digitnumber.nef. Later on in the post-production, the filename won't change, allowing the location of the original RAW file anytime.

If we use HDR merge or Focus shifting merge, the resulting file will use the filename of the first shot in the sequence.

Affinity Photo - Single Shot and Focus Shifting

Use reveal in finder to localize the raw file to be edited. Usually, photo editing is done fast, not more than 15minutes. Photo Editing Workflow has been topic of different live streams in Muuuh's YT Channel.

Current Workflow Affinity Photo - Single Shot

Consider each step optional. After opening the raw file with Affinity Photo 2.0:

All photos are exported to one dedicated folder. This folder is named by the year.

Focus Shifting & Exposure Merge

For sets of shots originated from focus shifting or exposure merge, the initial steps are different. Example see on YouTube Focus Shifting + Focus Merge

Publishing Photos

Before a photo can be published in muuuh.com, instructions for IMGIX image rendering service may have to be modified. By default, crop instruction "entropy" is used which doesn't work well in all cases. If necessary, entropy is changed to focal point with x and y coordinates.
