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Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) - Parc des Rapides, Lachine - 2016-04-17
Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) - 2016-04-17

Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)

The Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia) is a common and melodious bird found throughout North America, known for its rich and varied song. This adaptable species thrives in diverse habitats, from urban parks to rural wetlands, making it a familiar sight for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike.

🇫🇷Bruant chanteur
🇲🇽Gorrión melódico

How to Identify

To identify the Song Sparrow, look for a distinctive dark brown spot in the centre of its breast, surrounded by light grey feathers. Note its long tail and the prominent dark stripe over its eyes.

Click on photo to enlarge.


Clutch Size1-6 eggs
Incubation12-15 days
Fledging18-20 days
Sexual Maturity1 year

Where and When to Spot

The Song Sparrow can be observed in all seasons except winter, typically along rivers, ponds, and pathways. It is often seen foraging on the ground within dense bush vegetation but may also be spotted perched atop a bush while singing.

Observation Records by Park and Season

Location Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Boisé Des Douze x - - -
Champ des Possibles x - - -
Jardin Botanique de Montréal - x x -
Parc Angrignon x x x -
Parc Bernard-Landry x x - -
Parc Michel-Chartrand x - - x
Parc Nature Pointe aux Prairies x - - -
Parc de la Frayère x x - -
Parc des Rapides, Lachine x x - -
Parc des Étangs Antoine-Charlebois - x - -
Saguenay St. Lawrence Marine Park - x - -

"x" indicates the species was observed, while "-" indicates no observation. Lack of observation doesn't necessarily imply that the species is absent. Data is derived from our park visit journals.